Product Structure and Pricing ============================= HP PerfRX was introduced on the May 1, 1993 Corporate Price List. Prices are subject to change. Please refer to the current CPL. The HP PerfRX license is a single concurrent usage license. One license allows the user to run one executable at any one time on any single system. Product # Description Price (U.S.) --------- -------------------------------------- ------------ B3467AB HP PerfRX Analysis Software License to $5,500 use on one system B3468AA HP PerfRX Analysis SW Media and Manual for the HP9000 Series 700 AAH DDS DAT media and manual $195 AAU CDROM media and manual $100 OB1 Additional manual $60 B3469AA HP PerfRX Analysis SW Media and Manual for the HP9000 Series 800 AAH DDS DAT media and manual $195 AAU CDROM media and manual $100 AA4 QIC-format cartridge tape and manual $195 OB1 Additional manual $60